Attract More Customers with EV Charging: How to Tap into the 62% of EV Users who would frequent businesses with EV Charging Facilities


50% EV owners we surveyed said they are more likely to spend money while they wait for their car to charge

Is your hospitality business ready to capitalize on the accelerating adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Ireland? With EV sales surpassing traditional petrol and diesel cars for the first time, the EV revolution is reshaping the motor industry and becoming an indispensable part of car sales. As you navigate the bustling streets, you'll notice the increasing presence of EVs, signaling a significant shift in transportation.

all island Ireland survey hospitality business

this survey is live till 20th of August, you can participate in the all Island survey from here.

EVs play a critical role in reducing emissions, and it's crucial to view them as part of a comprehensive solution rather than the sole remedy. By combining electrification of transport, reduced private car usage (particularly single occupancy), increased active and multi-modal travel, and enhanced public transport, we can take substantial steps toward emission reduction. This approach aligns perfectly with the "Avoid, Shift, Improve" mantra advocated in the current Climate Action Plan, with EVs falling under the 'Improve' category.

The statistics speak for themselves: In 2022, one in five new passenger vehicles sold in Ireland were electric, including fully electric and plug-in hybrid models, resulting in over 70,000 EVs on Irish roads. As we progress into Q1 2023, this figure is steadily approaching one in four new passenger cars, showcasing the accelerating pace of EV adoption.

At GoPlugable, we understand the importance of facilitating EV charging infrastructure and empowering hospitality businesses to cater to the needs of EV drivers.

According to a recent survey, a significant 62% of EV users expressed a greater inclination to frequent hospitality businesses that provide charging facilities.

This presents a tremendous opportunity for hospitality establishments to enhance customer engagement and loyalty by offering EV charging as a valuable amenity.

By integrating EV charging stations into your hospitality business, you can attract a broader customer base, tap into the growing market of EV drivers, and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. EV users seek out establishments with charging facilities, enabling them to recharge while enjoying your services, whether it's dining, lodging, or entertainment. The availability of charging infrastructure encourages EV drivers to visit more often and increases the likelihood of them staying longer and spending more.

GoPlugable is here to support your hospitality business in embracing this EV charging opportunity. Our platform connects EV drivers with charging stations, ensuring seamless reservations and secure transactions. By joining GoPlugable, you can benefit from increased visibility and attract EV drivers searching for hospitality businesses that offer charging facilities.

The Impact of EV Charging Stations on Hospitality Businesses

In today's world, consumers are increasingly concerned about the ethical stance of the companies they support or work with. With the pressing climate crisis, businesses must acknowledge the need for change and actively contribute to environmental sustainability. According to a Forbes study conducted in 2017, 87% of consumers hold a more positive perception of businesses that make environmentally friendly efforts than those that do not. Furthermore, 88% of consumers are more likely to remain loyal to an eco-conscious company over a competitor that has not embraced eco-friendly initiatives.

The rise in environmental consciousness is particularly prominent among millennials and the Gen-X population, representing the future of consumer demographics. These younger generations are passionate about creating a green future, and businesses need to align with their values. By installing EV charging stations in the workplace, you not only incentivize customers but also attract potential employees who value sustainability. Free workplace charging creates a positive impression of your company and inspires existing and potential employees to consider investing in electric vehicles. By positioning your business as environmentally aware and building a reputable ethical brand, you contribute to a cleaner environment while enhancing your overall appeal.

Having onsite EV chargers at your business opens up a new potential client base. You become the preferred choice for eco-conscious consumers by offering EV charging facilities.

Similar to Wi-Fi, EV charging is becoming an expected amenity that customers seek when choosing where to shop, stay at a hotel, or conduct their work.

Businesses that provide EV charging options gain a competitive edge by offering this added convenience to their customers.

Generating Revenue through EV Charger Installation:

Spend while they charge:

Research indicates that most EV owners tend to have higher incomes. By incentivizing them to visit your business through the provision of EV charging, you increase the time they spend on your premises, leading to more opportunities for sales and revenue generation.

Charge them to charge their EVs:

In addition to attracting customers, businesses can charge EV owners for the use of electricity and charging facilities, creating an additional revenue stream.

Marketing Opportunities:

By installing EV charging stations, businesses can request emails from users and build up their email lists. This provides an avenue for targeted advertising through email marketing, enabling businesses to incentivize consumers with special offers and discounts. Additionally, businesses can rent out ad space on charging points, offering another source of income.

GoPlugable: Empowering Businesses with EV Charging Solutions

GoPlugable offers comprehensive solutions for businesses looking to embrace EV charging and capitalize on the benefits it brings. Businesses can seamlessly integrate EV charging stations into their premises through our platform, attracting eco-conscious customers and creating new revenue opportunities. We provide the tools and support to manage the entire process, from installation to reservation management and secure transactions. By partnering with GoPlugable, businesses gain access to our established network, enabling them to reach a wider audience and enhance their brand visibility.

EV charging for hospitality business cost.

Understanding the cost implications of implementing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at your hospitality business is crucial for effective planning and decision-making. Various factors contribute to the overall cost, including the price of charging stations, installation expenses, ongoing maintenance, and operational costs. At GoPlugable, we offer cost-effective solutions that help businesses optimize their EV charging infrastructure while maximizing their return on investment.

Price of EV Charging Stations:

Workplace AC EV chargers typically cost around €1,300 per charge port, excluding installation costs. However, it's important to consider that the total cost depends on factors such as the brand, model, functionalities, and often underestimated installation expenses involving wiring and cabling.

Installation Costs:

Installation costs typically represent a significant portion of the investment in EV charging. On average, they account for 60-80% of the total costs and can escalate into tens of thousands of euros when installing larger networks of charging stations, such as 5, 10, or 25 stations. However, it's worth noting that businesses can leverage incentives and grants to offset some of these costs. For instance, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) offers a grant of up to €600 for the installation of EV charging points, considerably lowering the overall expenses. GoPlugable can guide businesses through the grant application process and provide support to ensure cost-efficient installations.

Maintenance Costs:

While EV charging stations are designed to be durable, regular maintenance is necessary to keep them in optimal condition. Typically, yearly check-ups are recommended to identify and address any issues, such as broken cables or damaged sockets. GoPlugable offers maintenance plans and service agreements to simplify maintenance, providing businesses with peace of mind, early issue detection, and freedom from unexpected costs.

Operational Costs:

Beyond maintenance, operational costs encompass the expenses associated with running the charging stations, including electricity consumption. The cost of fully charging an electric vehicle varies depending on the average electricity price per kilowatt-hour (kWh). In Europe, the average electricity price is approximately €0.25 per kWh. For example, charging a Nissan Leaf (64 kWh) may cost around €14.88, while charging a Tesla Model S (100 kWh) may cost around €24. These costs should be considered in relation to the number of charging sessions and the duration of each session.

Cost Savings and Return on Investment (ROI):

Despite the initial expense of installing EV charging stations, businesses can achieve cost savings and even generate revenue over time. By offering EV charging as a complimentary benefit to employees or charging users a fee, businesses can optimize their ROI. Opening charging stations to the public can also position businesses as public charging locations, attracting customers and generating additional revenue.

GoPlugable: Cost-Effective EV Charging Solutions

GoPlugable understands the importance of cost-effective solutions for businesses. We provide a range of services, including expert guidance on equipment selection, installation planning, and maintenance. Our team helps businesses leverage government incentives and grants, such as the SEAI grant of up to €600, to significantly lower the costs of installation. Additionally, we offer efficient charging management systems to monitor usage, optimize charging rates, and enhance cost savings.

By partnering with GoPlugable, hospitality businesses can make informed decisions, ensuring their EV charging infrastructure aligns with their budget and long-term goals. With our cost-effective solutions, you can break even within a relatively short timeframe and enjoy sustained profitability as EV adoption continues to grow.

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Types of Electric car charging stations for businesses


There are three main types of EV chargers available for businesses to use as public chargers:

  • Level 1 chargers are the most basic type of charger and are the slowest to charge. They use a standard 120-volt household outlet and can add about 2-5 miles of range per hour of charging.

  • Level 2 chargers are more powerful than Level 1 chargers and can add about 10-20 miles of range per hour of charging. They use a 240-volt outlet, which is typically found in commercial settings.

  • DC fast chargers are the fastest type of charger and can add about 80 miles of range in just 20 minutes of charging. They are often found in public places like highway rest stops and shopping malls.

The type of charger that is best for a business will depend on the needs of its customers and the amount of space available. For example, a business with a lot of parking space may choose to install a few Level 2 chargers, while a business with limited parking space may choose to install a single DC fast charger.

In addition to the type of charger, businesses also need to consider the following factors when choosing an EV charger:

  • The connector type. Different electric vehicles use different connector types. Businesses need to make sure that the chargers they install are compatible with the vehicles that their customers drive.

  • The cost. EV chargers can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Businesses need to factor in the cost of the charger, as well as the cost of installation, when making their decision.

  • The location. EV chargers need to be located in a convenient place for customers to use. Businesses need to consider the flow of traffic and the parking availability when choosing a location for their chargers.

Free EV Charging for Hospitality Businesses

As the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow, more and more businesses are offering free EV charging as a way to attract and retain customers. This is especially true in the hospitality industry, where businesses are looking for ways to differentiate themselves from the competition.

Why offer free EV charging?

There are several reasons why hospitality businesses might want to offer free EV charging. First, it can be a great way to attract new customers. EV drivers are often looking for businesses that offer EV charging, so offering free charging can give your business a competitive edge.

Second, free EV charging can help to improve your business's environmental image. EVs are considered more environmentally friendly than gasoline-powered vehicles, so offering free EV charging can show your customers that you are committed to sustainability.

Third, free EV charging can help to increase customer loyalty. EV drivers who can charge their cars for free at your business are more likely to return in the future.

IKEA as an example

IKEA is a great example of a hospitality business that offers free EV charging. IKEA has installed EV charging stations at all its US stores, and the chargers are free for customers. This has helped IKEA to attract new customers and improve its environmental image.

Potential benefits and drawbacks

There are several potential benefits to offering free EV charging for hospitality businesses. These benefits include:

  • Increased customer attraction and retention

  • Improved environmental image

  • Increased customer loyalty

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. These drawbacks include:

  • The cost of installing and maintaining EV charging stations

  • The potential for customer abuse

  • The need for dedicated parking spaces for EV charging

How GoPlugable can help

GoPlugable can help hospitality businesses navigate the decision of whether or not to offer free EV charging.

GoPlugable can provide businesses with information about the different types of EV chargers available, as well as the cost of installation and maintenance.

GoPlugable can also help businesses to find the right location for their EV chargers and to manage the charging process.


Installing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at hospitality businesses presents numerous benefits, ranging from increased customer engagement to cost savings and revenue generation. By acknowledging the growing demand for sustainable solutions and taking proactive steps towards environmental consciousness, businesses can position themselves as leaders in the industry while reaping the rewards of EV charging infrastructure.

With 87% of consumers favoring environmentally friendly businesses and the younger generations driving the push for sustainability, hospitality businesses have a unique opportunity to cater to these evolving consumer preferences. By offering EV charging facilities, businesses not only attract eco-conscious customers but also incentivize potential employees who value sustainability. This investment reflects your business's commitment to a greener future and enhances your brand reputation while contributing to a cleaner environment.

Moreover, EV charging stations provide a competitive edge, as EV owners increasingly seek businesses that offer convenient charging options. Like Wi-Fi availability, EV charging is becoming an expected amenity, and businesses that provide this convenience gain an advantage in attracting and retaining customers. By embracing EV charging, hospitality businesses unlock new customer segments, increase foot traffic, and extend customer stays, leading to greater revenue potential.

When considering the costs associated with EV charging infrastructure, it's important to evaluate the price of charging stations, installation expenses, and ongoing maintenance. With GoPlugable's cost-effective solutions and expertise, businesses can navigate these aspects effectively. Additionally, government incentives like the SEAI grant in Ireland provide further financial support, making the investment in EV charging stations even more attractive.

In conclusion, hospitality businesses stand to gain significant advantages by installing EV charging stations. The benefits are substantial from enhanced customer engagement and loyalty to cost savings and potential revenue generation. Embrace the shift towards sustainability, position your business as a leader in the industry, and reap the rewards of EV charging infrastructure.

Take the next step towards a greener future for your hospitality business by talking to an advisor. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the process, provide tailored solutions, and help you unlock the full potential of EV charging.


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